Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Frere (Brother) Joshua Gates

Written October 1st, 2010
Sending packages to West Africa is quite the ordeal. The packages are guaranteed to arrive in poor condition two-weeks to two month after being posted. I was told by a volunteer that adding the pseudo-title "frère or soeur" (brother or sister) to the recipient’s name promotes tender and swift care of the package en route. I suppose respect of clergy is universal. Why not use it to one’s advantage? I asked my mother to do just that – to take advantage of the unquestioned respect for clergy.
Keep in mind that my mother never once called me in sick to school when I really wasn’t. I was somewhere in between puzzled and impressed when my mom agreed to falsify my identity as an ordained clergy. Agreeing is one thing; doing is another. Nevertheless, when I reached into my shared PO Box in Banfora, the package slip was addressed to Frere Joshua Gates. I laughed proud of my mom.
It was exceptionally hot the I went to get my package. My watch at one point read 105F. Walking into the post office, I was wearing an unbuttoned short-sleeved button-up shirt. Wearing it unbuttoned was much cooler but it also exposed my sweaty A-frame under-garment. I thought it prudent to button up to look more clergy-like before redeeming my package addressed to Brother Joshua Gates.
“God bless you.” I said with a smile as I took my package that arrived in record time and in mint condition.


  1. Oh my goodness that is such an awesome story! I always knew you had some preacher boy in you! :-)
